Primobolan (Methenolone)


Methenolone-Enanthate/ Methenolone-Acetate

Primobolan is one of the few steroids that can regularly be found in both oral and injectable forms; Methenolone-Enanthate being the injectable and Methenolone-Acetate the oral. A once fairly popular anabolic steroid, Primobolan is not nearly as popular as it once was; however, due to rumors surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger implying it was his favorite, to this day there remains a strong almost cult like following. While there is no question, Primobolan is one of the safer steroids we can use in-terms of side-effects because Masteron is more readily available and far less counterfeited many in recent years have opted for that rout. However, as these two steroids are often compared in truth and function they carry very specific differing traits; more importantly, the counterfeiting factor cannot be ignored. Yes, unfortunately Primobolan is one of the more commonly counterfeited steroids on the black market, especially the tablets but in high amounts in both forms. Nevertheless, legitimate Primo as it is commonly called, while a very mild steroid can be well suited for cutting cycles but generally for most there is little benefit otherwise. However, for the female anabolic steroid user, as Primobolan is very mild in nature it can often be a fine choice as side-effects are very easy to control and often non-existent when used responsibly.

Primobolan 101:

Primobolan is a DHT based steroid (Dihydrotestosterone) that possesses both anabolic and androgenic traits although its androgenic properties will prove to be a little on the low side as Primobolan is twice as anabolic as androgenic. Like most DHT steroids Primobolan does not aromatize which for many is a very nice trait, especially concerning those sensitive to aromatase effects.

While both oral and injectable forms of Primobolan are comprised of the same active hormone Methenolone the oral Acetate version will prove to be far less potent on a milligram for milligram basis for one simple reason. Most all oral anabolic steroids are 17-alpha-alkylated in order to allow the hormone to survive the first pass through the liver; oral Primobolan does not possess this trait. Due to this structural change being absent, when taken orally most of the active hormone will be destroyed before it ever enters the blood stream; however, as the 17-aa alteration creates a toxic effect on the liver, because oral Primobolan does not carry the 17-aa trait it is not liver toxic at all.

The Benefits of Primobolan:

As a very mild DHT steroid, most will not see any bulking benefits from its use as it does not possess traits apt for this purpose. You could use this steroid as part of a bulking cycle but it would necessarily require massive amounts and due to this steroid being outrageously expensive this is simply not feasible. Most will find Primobolan to be best served in a cutting cycle; while it will not promote muscle tissue growth to any great degree it is a fantastic steroid for the use of preserving existing muscle tissue. Further, as it can preserve it has also been shown to be one of the few anabolic steroids that can directly lead to fat-loss. While almost all anabolic steroids carry this fat loss trait to a degree, Primobolan appears to do so in a more direct manner.

Without question the greatest benefit to Primobolan use lies within its safe nature when taken by female anabolic steroid users. Make no mistake, this is not a girl only steroid but because so many steroids are so harsh on females, as steroids such as Primo and Anavar are generally well-tolerated by women they hold somewhat of a special place. The largest concern for most women and anabolic steroid use is virilization; however, with responsible use this is non-existent in almost all females. While it can occur, if symptoms start to show, simply discontinuing will see them fade away. This makes Primobolan very beneficial to females as they are able to enjoy a moderate anabolic affect without the nasty side-effects. It is however very important to note, if virilization effects set in there is often no turning back; don’t push the envelope.

The Side-Effects of Primobolan:

As Primobolan does not aromatize many of the common anabolic steroid associated side-effects are non-existent. Side-effects such as water retention and bloat are very rare and Gynecomastia is of little concern. Further, as the oral version is not a 17-aa steroid liver damage largely goes out the window. Without question this is one of the safest steroids on the market but make no mistake, possible side-effects do exist. Like all DHT based steroids Primobolan can cause hair-loss. There is something you need to understand about hair-loss, steroids that promote this do not make you go bald, you were going to go bald anyway but if you are predisposed to this condition DHT steroids like Primobolan will simply speed it up. Beyond hair-loss and virilization in women who abuse the steroid there is little concern when this steroid is used; however, testosterone suppression must be mentioned and discussed as there is a prevailing myth in this regard.

Primobolan & Testosterone:

For reasons that make as much sense as saying what goes up must turn purple, a common belief by many is that Primobolan does not suppress natural testosterone production. It is true, many steroids carry with them varying levels of harshness in-terms of testosterone suppression but most all suppress and Primo makes no exception. A low dose of the steroid, as low as a mere 25mg can suppress testosterone production by as much as 50% and this is assuming no more is administered beyond the one dose. This makes bridging with this steroid, which is very common not only a bad idea but simply stupid.

Primobolan Cycles & Doses:

Because Primobolan is a very weak steroid most men will necessarily need to take in quite a bit to really see any effect. Many men who use Primobolan are often very disappointed simply because they didn’t use enough. Further, men who take oral Primobolan are often left even more disappointed as it takes an even larger amount of the oral version to reap the same benefits as the injectable version. Most men will find 500mg per week to be the necessary dose to truly see any positive result(s) and because of its mild nature 8 weeks of use will be the minimum with 12 weeks being for more optimal.

For our female athlete either version will create a great boost but of course injectable will prove to be far more efficient. To ensure virilization does not occur most women will need to use Primobolan in 4-6 week bursts. For example, 4 weeks of use, followed by a two week break, followed by 4 weeks of use if desired; however, if virilization begins to show, no matter which week you’re in, stop use immediately and let your body heal. Most women will find 100mg per week to be a very powerful dose that brings them all they’d ever want or need with many finding 50mg to be efficient and effective.

Warning! Articles related to the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs are for information purposes only and are the sole expressions of the individual authors opinion. We do not promote the use of these substances and the information contained within this publication is not intended to persuade or encourage the use or possession of illegal substances. These substances should be used only under the advice and supervision of a qualified, licensed physician.

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