The Science Behind Human Growth Hormone “HGH”

How the Human Growth Hormone Works in Your Body

HGH or human growth hormone is a natural substance in your body that is produced by your pituitary gland. It interacts with your tissue receptors that are found throughout your body in your major organs. Your liver is stimulated by HGH. It then produces an insulin like growth factor called IGF-1, which is released into your body. This then stimulates your body to produce cells that are responsible for the development of muscle mass, cartilage and bones.

HGH contains 191 amino acids, and is also responsible for good bone density development, lean muscle mass, regulating your metabolism, the reproduction of cells, and maintaining your organs and muscles, along with your body fat.

It’s easy to see that HGH is a key player in all of the processes of your body, and that it is critical to maintain HGH levels so that your body can function properly. The trouble is by the time you are in your late twenties or early thirties your body has significantly reduced the amount of HGH it produces, and this continues to decline as you age. As a result, you see and feel the signs of aging.


How to Maintain HGH Levels

There are 2 ways of maintaining your HGH Levels.

  1. HGH injections
  2. HGH supplements

It is important that you understand the difference between these two options.


HGH Injection Ingredients

Genetech was the first to create an HGH injection back in 1985. This HGH injection was Protropin, which was made from somatrem. This synthetic growth hormone contained the general 191 amino acids and an additional amino acid methionine. Methionine was a combination of methyl and sulfur – which is responsible for building proteins, and regulating the metabolism. Other HGH injections contained only the 191 amino acids.


HGH Supplements

For most people this is a far better alternative. With HGH supplements you are not taking injectable HGH at all. The HGH supplements has been scientifically developed with a combination of natural ingredients that help your body increase the production of HGH naturally. It is much cheaper and it is certainly much safer than using HGH inje

The Benefits of HGH

  • Increases in energy and endurance
  • Decrease in fatigue
  • Decreased wrinkles
  • Better memory
  • Improvement of mood
  • Consistent sleep patterns
  • Increase in lean muscle mass -Studies have shown that HGH increases body mass and decreases fat.
  • Increased libido
  • Increase Muscle Mass and decreased body fat
  • Increase in immune system functioning
  • Resistance to Injury and accelerated recovery from injury – HGH builds connective tissue within your muscles, which can promote resistance to injury and faster repair after an injury. The Mitchell Report (Dec 2007) stated that Major League players believed HGH helped them in recovery from injury as well as fatigue.
  • A slowing down of many of the aging signs

Warning! Articles related to the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs are for information purposes only and are the sole expressions of the individual authors opinion. We do not promote the use of these substances and the information contained within this publication is not intended to persuade or encourage the use or possession of illegal substances. These substances should be used only under the advice and supervision of a qualified, licensed physician.

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