If working long hours at the office is eating away at your exercise time, don’t disappear.
Make the most of your time by exercising on the job. Here are 7 exercises you can do while sitting down in the office that don’t even required that you get out of your sit.
For buns of steel, clench your buttocks and hold for 10 seconds. Do 5 sets of 8 reps. The beauty of this exercise is that your supervisors and coworkers wont see any movement and need not even know that you’re secretly exercising on the job.
Rotate your ankles in both directions for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets of 8 reps in each direction this exercise can strengthen flexibility of your ankles and make you less likely to suffer from sprains.
Just because you’re sitted at your desk doesn’t mean your arms can’t do just about anything they want.
Many arm exercises can be performed while seated at your desk. Stretch the muscles in your right arm by reaching as far to the left as you can with your right arm while supporting it in the crook of your left elbow and then hold it there. Feel the stretch for 5 second. Do 8 reps before switching over to your left arm.
Give your calf muscles a workout by rising your legs up on the very tips of your toes while remaining seated. Your calf muscles should start to burn after few seconds. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat 8 times.
Strengthen your core by rotating at the waist while remaining seated. Rotate as far to the left as you can and hold for 5 seconds, then repeat on the right. Complete 5 sets. Grab the backrest of your chair with your hands for extra support.
Move to the edge of your seat and lean back ON THE BACKREST. Then lift your straitened legs a few inches above the ground and rise your back a few inches of the backrest. Feel the burn in your abdominal muscles and hold for 10 seconds. 8 reps of 10 seconds each can strengthen your core considerably when done regularly.